Yesterday afternoon I attended the DCCX event with my friends Gabby and Ben. This is the second year in a row that I have been a spectator at the only cyclocross event in Washington, DC. This was also the second year in a row that I found myself wishing I was well enough to participate. Truth be told, I have a hard time staying upright on my bike while riding on dry, flat surfaces. Why I would want to ride on a technical course that is mostly on trails, with spots where you have to get off your bike and carry it over your shoulder while navigating obstructions is beyond me. But of course this is now on my list of events that I want to participate in down the road when I am back on the racing circuit; whenever that may be. (Those of you who have had the pleasure of training and racing with me know that I am not exaggerating regarding my cycling issue).
For the majority of the day I sat in my beach chair and watched the participants navigate the part of the course that was right in front of me. A few of my friends rode in the last race of the day, which led me to wander all over the course cheering while taking pictures. Cheering isn't nearly as strenous as doing the actual event, yet when my alarm went off this morning my limbs felt like sore, lead weights and I was so tired I could barely open my eyes. I wanted to call in sick to work and sleep all day, but since we just returned from being furloughed during the government shutdown, I figured a day off was not in the cards. You will hear more about my furlough experience next time. For now I am going to switch gears and share some recent articles I've read about Lyme disease.
During the past few months tick borne diseases have been getting a lot of press and I appreciate the fact that my family and friends have been sending me all of the articles they come across. Occasionally I'll receive multiple links to the same news story, but for the most part I am reading info from newspapers that are local to where my friends live, that I would never see otherwise. Please keep them coming and please be mindful that many of you are living in areas that are teaming with tick borne disease judging by the articles that your local papers are publishing. Here are four articles that are really interesting and informative that I think you’ll benefit from reading as they all touch on information I have discussed throughout my blog:
The Worrying Rise of Tick-Borne Disease
When the "Cure" Doesn't End the Pain